2018年11月3日 星期六

Millionaire Teacher - The nine rules of wealth you should have learned in school 《我用死薪水輕鬆理財賺千萬》

作者 Andrew Hallam 本身係一位加拿大籍既老師, 講佢作為一個打工仔點樣累積到百萬美元以上既資產, 書中主要講資產配置同埋指數化投資工具

書中有個論點係伯恩斯既「懶骨頭投資組合」(Couch Potato Portfolio),係用整體債券同股票指數平均咁去投資,即假設如果有100萬資金去投資,拆成各50萬既比例投資股票 ETF 同債券 ETF,然後每年年尾做一次 Re-balance,如股票 ETF 比例因升市而變多過50%,就賣出多了的部份並將資金買入債券 ETF,令到股票同債券比例各變返50%,看似非常簡單,但呢個方法跑贏唔少基金基理。


1. Spend like a millionaire (or less) if you want to become rich.

2. Start investing as early as possible—after paying off credit card debt and any other high-interest loans.

3. Invest in low-cost index funds instead of actively managed funds. Nobody can consistently pick “winning” actively managed funds ahead of time.

4. Understand stock market history and psychology so you don’t fall victim to the craziness that infects every investing generation (often more than once).

5. Learn to build a complete, balanced portfolio with stock and bond index funds that will easily beat most of the pros.

6. Create indexed accounts no matter where you live.

7. Learn to fight an adviser’s sales rhetoric.

8. Avoid investment schemes and scams that tickle your greed button.

9. If you must buy common stocks, do it with a small percentage of your portfolio and pick a mentor such as Warren Buffett. Live long, prosper, and pass on what you have learned

